
Monday, January 16, 2012

Let Go Of Emotional Baggage This Year

We all carry emotional baggage...and holding a grudge against someone because of something that happened long ago is never good. You must try to clear these issues. Imagine that the grudge you are carrying is like garbage rotting inside you...exhausting and soaking up all your good energy...fermenting and becoming more and more stagnant.

When we have been mistreated or harmed we feel justified in being angry...but by letting go and forgiving we allow the bad energy to dissipate and make room for good energy. This is not as easy as it sounds...but there is great sense of freedom and liberation when you finally drop some of your emotional baggage.

Why don't you try it?

FromLillian Too via  You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Thursday, January 5, 2012

"Change Your Money Luck with the Feng Shui Three Legged Toad"

Few symbols embody feng shui the way the three legged toad does. And whether you call this little amphibian a wealth frog, money toad, lucky money frog, or three legged prosperity toad doesn't matter. What matters is that you display this delightful creature wherever you want wealth to find you.

The money frog legend
Like many symbols in Chinese lore, the money frog came from a legend. The legend is about a frog named Chan Chu. The story begins that a wife of one of the eight immortals stole the elixir of immortality and fled to the moon. When she drank the elixir, it turned her into an ugly toad. Compassionate gods allowed her to keep the tail of a tadpole, or third leg, versus two legs of a fully developed toad.

The toad, Chan Chu, liked money, too, and was tempted into a well with gold coins. One reason wealth frogs are said to be associated with money is that they can always be found where there is water. And because water means wealth, the relationship of wealth and water were associated with the toad. It's also said that the money frog looks like a fat coin purse, further enhancing the frog's connotation of wealth.
Chan Chu was also associated with the moon, the ultimate feminine force and legend says swallows the moon during an eclipse. But it's the money aspects that make this frog so popular.

The wealth toad represents good news about money and has a celestial connection.
Many wealth toads are shown with small indentations on their backs, and often contain jewels. This represents the big dipper and its water and wealth-giving connection. In Chinese lore, some say a full moon brings the toads out and that when they appear, good news about money follows shortly thereafter. It's also legendary that if you scratch the ground with a toad's foot, a spring will erupt there.
The wealth toad can assume many forms in feng shui. Sometimes the toad is shown sitting on a bed of coins, and other times he is shown sitting on a bagua or holding strings of coins or gold ingots. Perhaps the most interesting aspect about the lucky money frog is their association with bad luck in finances. Chan Chu symbolizes protection and turning bad luck that causes money problems into good luck. The money frog is believed to help people end troubling bills, poor financial habits like overspending, and difficulty attracting money.

Placing the money toad
What's most important is that the toad is placed properly in the residence. Do not place the toad on the floor, but always position the toad to look toward the door so it can gulp up money chi for the house. Position your wealth frog in the lucky corner of the room. This is the spot of greatest energy and is typically diagonal to the door and where chi is the most concentrated. If you're interested in good news about investments, place the frog in the southeast corner of your living room. Business opportunities and career news are enhanced when a lucky money toad is placed in the north corner of generating income in your living room.

Where not to place your toad
Almost as important as where to place your money frog is where not to place it. Avoid placing the toad directly opposite the door as the energy is too strong. Instead, place a frog in the lucky corner of the room. Avoid placing your frog on the floor. Instead, place it on a low table, such as a ledge or coffee table. Looking for a large boost in your finances? Place nine of the frogs in important areas of the house, such as the wealth corner, the living room, your home office or dining room. Avoid placing a wealth frog in the bedroom or the kitchen as these are not believed to bring good luck. Place a luck frog in your office next to your desk for more income and for good financial news.

Activating your toad
In order for your toad to bring the best luck, it must be activated. Try placing your toad on red paper or tie a piece of red ribbon around it. If the toad has red jewels on it, it is already activated. Another key piece of the lucky toad is its coin in its mouth. Make sure your toad has a coin in its mouth (a small dab of glue will help it stay there) and be sure the coin is turned with the Chinese writing up. Most Chinese coins have Chinese writing on one side and four symbols on the other. The symbols should always be on the underside with the Chinese writing turned up.
Source: Kathryn Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "The Cash Register at Your Front Door" visit and learn the fast and fun ways feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Prepare Your Home and Yourself for the New Year with Feng Shui

As the New Year approaches, you may find yourself pondering the past year and you may be counting your blessings or thinking about what you could have done differently.
If you're like me, you might do a little of both.
Whatever the case, it's important to start the New Year off on a positive, hope-filled note.

This can include everything from stocking the refrigerator to clearing out old junk from the closets. If you miss the January 1st deadline, don't worry: the Chinese New Year isn't until the third week of January, so you've still got time.

To greet the New Year, set aside a couple of hours to give your house, bedroom, or office a New Year Blitz. Just remember, you are inviting a very special guest to your house: The New Year. So treat your house the way you would a very important dignitary. This is a new year of your life so welcome it in a grand way.

Take the list below in hand and check off the items one by one. Remember to get everyone in the house in on the act.


1. De-clutter
Grab a laundry basket. Next, set a timer and take it with you from room to room. Set it for five minutes. Now, start throwing out old papers, magazines, empty bottles of shampoo from the bathroom, old clothes you know you'll never wear again! Do it.

Got CDs you never listen to? Throw those out or donate them to charity. Have some old coffee mugs that don't match or odd drinking glasses still hanging around in your cabinets? Pitch 'em.

When in doubt, throw it out. Don't forget to look under the bed, too! And toss that lipstick you haven't worn in two years! Remember to clean out the pantry, too, and toss that half-empty box of Rice Krispies that's gone stale.

2. Sweep or vacuum
Get the old energy out by making the floors clean.

3. Do the laundry
Don't have dirty clothes hanging around. You can throw in a load or two while you declutter. Be sure to fold and put the clean clothes away.

4. Clean the bathroom
Make it sparkle. You don't want a nasty mess to greet the next year of your life!

5. Empty all trashcans
Don't want last years' trash hanging around, do you? Toss, toss, toss.

6. Clean out the refrigerator
Got a half-empty jar of apple butter? Get rid of it. You don't want to go into the New Year with old food or a moldy science project lurking in the fridge.  Check out the fridge makeover and see if it doesn't inspire you!

7. Clear out visual clutter
Too much stuff everywhere? Clear off the counters in the bathrooms and kitchen. Clear off your desk and dust it. Pitch the sticky notes and papers and things taped everywhere! You can do it. Don't forget the refrigerator! Make it a blank slate.

Make as much space as possible. You cannot bring in new things if there is no room for it and we want a fantastic year, right? Then make your space "open" for the abundance of the New Year!

8. Yard work
Make sure the yard is picked up and the front door step is swept and clear.

9. Change the sheets and towels
Put clean sheets on all the beds on New Year's Eve and clean towels in the bathroom and kitchen. New sheets are even better.

10. Clean the car
This is what gets you around during the year. Drive through a car wash, take out the trash and do a quick cleaning.

All done? Wow, doesn't that feel good! Now you're ready for the next step.


1. Fill your pantry and kitchen
Stock the refrigerator with food and make sure the pantry is also stocked. It is bad feng shui to have an empty refrigerator and pantry. If you have canisters in the pantry or on the countertops, be sure to fill these.

2. Got citrus?
Oranges are excellent symbols for the New Year and the Chinese often celebrate the New Year by rolling oranges (symbols of gold) into the house. Place a big bowl of 8, 9, or 10 (the numbers of prosperity!) oranges in the living room or central location in the house next to dishes of nuts or candies to symbolize an abundant, fruitful home.

3. Buy a new plant
Put a beautiful new plant in the East (health & family relationships) sector of your house or office to symbolize a healthy beginning. You can also display some beautiful flowers here to symbolize your good health in the coming year.

4. Welcome good news
Place a golden bell in the NW corner of your home, office, or bedroom to bring good tidings from helpful people. Like old school bells? If so, place one of these in the NW corner of your yard for good news from helpful people.

5. Hang up new calendars
What better way to greet the New Year than by throwing out the old one? Take down all of last years' calendars.

6. Fill your wallet
You don't want to go into the New Year with an empty wallet. Put some money in your wallet -- or better yet -- go and buy a new wallet (red is the best!) or purse and start your financial off with new energy!

7. Invite a toad to your house
Place an old, broken clay pot upside down next to a water spout so a toad can make its home here. Toads are believed to invite money into the household; they're especially nice by the door. You can also place figurines of toads by the door.

8. Feed the birds
Birds are excellent feng shui and believed to bring good news. Fill your feeders or put out a feeder for the New Year.

9. Have fun and celebrate
Fun is good feng shui. A happy vibrant home or space is a good space, so plan a party of some kind of happy gathering. Remember, a home or office with good feng shui is easy to spot it's the one where everyone goes and doesn't want to leave. Make your space that kind of place.

1. Avoid resolutions.  Begin with the belief that all is as it should be right now, that you are perfect already. Instead, incorporate one or two small changes.  Even small steps can have a big impact.

2. Count the blessings of you.  Write down 100 things you like about yourself. Do it. Trust me, there's a lot more than 100 great things about you.  For starters, you're reading a feng shui Ezine.  That tells me you're open-minded and willing to try new things.

3. Say what you want in small ways.  Want more love? Sign off all your emails with "Love, Sally." Or, maybe it's friendship you want, sign off as "Your friend."  Give what it is you want this year.

4. Be friendly.  Friendliness draws people and good circumstances to you.  Driving through Texas I often see signs on the road that say, "Drive Friendly, the Texas Way."  I love those signs.  Wave and smile at people you pass as you drive like you did when you were a kid. Move over and let people pass and when someone lets you in traffic or allows you to pass, wave at them.  Give a trucker a break. See a big rig signaling to merge? Let him in. 

5. Do that one thing you know you've been putting off.  There is nothing worse than having something hanging over your head.  There's usually one thing that gets in your way of feeling successful and like you have a handle on life -- so take care of that one thing. Go on. You know what it is.  Get it done once and for all.

6.  Be nice to yourself.  What would make life nicer for you?  Find ways to pamper and love yourself.  I like hot tea in the wintertime, but I got tired of running downstairs to the kitchen.  So, I set up a little tea tray upstairs with a hot water pot and an assortment of teas and some of my favorite ginger thin cookies.  It's a little treat that tells me "I love me." 

7. Be nice to others.  Feed the birds, set up a recycling center, volunteer.  There are so many ways to be nice to others -- from donating money to good causes to mowing an elderly neighbor's lawn.  I like to walk around my neighborhood and pick up trash to keep the neighborhood clean.

8.  Set a goal.  Making wish lists of what you would like to do is wonderful because just the act of writing things down makes the wishes more concrete, taking it from the random firings of neurons in your brain to real tangible words on paper.  It's amazing what happens by doing just that one act.  Put the list where you can see it and take steps toward each wish.  By next year, it might surprise you how many of these things come true.

From Red Lotus Letter via Weber is the publisher of the Red Lotus Letter Feng Shui E-zine and certified feng shui consultant in classical Chinese feng shui. Kathryn helps her readers improve their lives and generate more wealth with feng shui. For more information and to receive her FREE Ebook "The Cash Register at Your Front Door" visit and learn the fast and fun way how feng shui can make your life more prosperous and abundant!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Make Your Business A Money Magnet

The feng shui of your retail shop or business is even important now than ever before. With the economy still sagging in many areas of the world and the upcoming year of the Water Dragon posing some tough challenges ahead here are some feng shui suggestions that will help to enhance your retail shop or office.
1. Watch for the poison arrows - just as it's not good for your home to be at the end of a straight road that acts as a poison arrow, it is also unwise to locate your shop or office at the end of a long straight corridor in an office building or shopping mall. If this is the case your office or shop could become a magnet for problems, not money and success. Be sure to put the proper element cures in place if your shop or office faces this problem.

2. Is your shop or office deep or shallow? In feng shui we believe that shops or offices that are "deep" are destined to stay in business for a long time while ones that are "shallow" and don't go back too far will have a shorter life span. Shoppers like to go "deep" into your shop to spend time browsing to find what they want, to feel comfortable with plenty of space and time to look around, so give them that opportunity!

3. It's all about the flow of energy... so remember when designing your retail shop or office layout that the chi must flow freely... yet not too fast. Clean up old cartons or trash to prevent the energy from stagnating and make sure your entry way is clean inviting with your doors opening inward.

From Lillian Too via You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Program Yourself For Financial Prosperity in 2012!

Do you live with a poverty or prosperity consciousness? Are you lacking the financial status you want today because you somehow feel guilty about having or desiring "too much" wealth and think that you don't deserve it?

One of the key reasons you still may not be wealthy is because of negative wealth programming you received in the early years of your life. Right now you may even be sabotaging some of your own wealth building efforts unknowingly!
Today I want to share with you a very simple but important feng shui premise that will help you gain wealth faster and easier... it will not only jumpstart your wealth building efforts but always keep them moving in the right direction.
  1. Begin with the knowledge and belief that you are entitled to everything that our bountiful world has to offer. We live in a world and universe that is abundant with riches beyond our imagination... and everything that we want can be ours ... if we start with the right mental attitude toward wealth and prosperity.

  2. If it is material riches you desire at this time in your life then you can achieve this quite easily providing you have the correct mindset... you must start with a positive attitude and belief that you deserve to be wealthy and happy.

  3. Give yourself permission! Have you convinced yourself that you deserve to be rich or do you believe deep down inside that your life must be filled with pain and suffering? Begin today and give yourself permission to be wealthy... release yourself from past thoughts and the poverty consciousness that you may have been surrounded with as a child. Take a step back and look at what you are holding on to and what's really holding you back from achieving your wealth dreams.
In feng shui the mind plays an important role in your wealth building strategy... in fact, it is one of the most critical components that is often overlooked.

Everything you need to become wealthy is already's ready and waiting for you...but it is you who may not be ready. Start first with your mind ...first believe that you are entitled and deserve to be wealthy and then use the powerful feng shui formulas and symbols to make it happen!
FromLillian Too via  You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at

Talk Yourself Into Success and Happiness

Think today about how lucky you are...because if you begin with the belief that you have good luck you will attract more and more of it. Remember the power of your can bring you health, wealth and great happiness.

Watch your self talk throughout the day and take notice of how often you unconsciously defeat yourself with pessimistic and negative thoughts.

You will be amazed at how often you do this train yourself to be aware of it and talk to yourself in a more positive and productive way.

From Lillian Too via You can learn more about Lillian by visiting her website at